
English Lead– Mrs Holly Wain


Our Reading Curriculum

Teach a child to read and keep that child reading and we will change everything.

And I mean everything.

Jeanette Winterson


Please see our Early Reading page for more information about how we teach Early Reading in our school. 


Y2 and KS2 Reading Curriculum

At Flanderwell Primary School, we are passionate about reading and we feel that reading is at the centre of our curriculum. We believe in the importance of developing children’s phonics skills as early readers, moving onto comprehension skills when children are ready. We understand the importance to develop children’s love of books and reading. 

  • When children have securely moved off the RWI programme, they will take home a ‘Purple and Gold’ book and they will begin their comprehension lessons. Children who move off the programme in Y1 and Y2 will be taught comprehension through the RWI comprehension scheme. These lessons are sequenced similarly to the RWI phonics programme and the same routines are taught. Children have the opportunity to practise their speed sounds and they are directly taught how to answer retrieval, inference and vocabulary questions. 
  • From year 3- year 6, comprehension skills are deliberately taught through the Pathways to Read scheme and the Cracking Comprehension scheme. During these lessons, children are taught a variety of skills, including retrieval, inference and prediction. They also have vocabulary directly taught through Pathways to Read and Cracking Comprehension. These skills are then applied during individual reading sessions with the class teacher and teaching assistant.

Please see the below documents to see the coverage of content domains that are taught across school. 

Y2 Cracking Comprehension Progression Document

KS2 Cracking Comprehension Progression Document

KS2 Flanderwell Pathways Comprehension Progression


Please see the below document to see the progression of reading skills from Year 2-Year 6.

Progression in Reading Skills KS2


  • In English, units of lessons are organised around motivating books and texts. A good-quality text provides opportunities for children to meet objectives drawn from across the National Curriculum for English. At Flanderwell, whole class teaching and individual reading opportunities provide opportunities for learning and reinforcing.  
  • Reading fluency is something we are keen for our children to have during their reading. We teach and assess fluency as part of our ongoing assessments. If children are not fluent, interventions are put in place. 


Parental Involvement

Involving families is an important part of our reading culture. Results of international reading studies have shown that children who are supported in their reading at home are more likely to enjoy reading and tend to achieve more highly at school. We want our children to read at home through choice. For this to happen, we engage with families to extend the culture of reading that the school has developed. Strategies include:

  • Parents, grandparents and adult volunteers from the local community often come in to school and listen to children read.
  • We offer advice and printable materials on our school website, along with input from individual class teachers on dojo and parent evenings. We hand out ‘Viper’ bookmarks to parents, which give them  a variety of questions from each content domain that they can ask their child.
  • Pupils designed our whole school racing track to motivate pupils to read regularly at home. Children are rewarded for reading regularly and are racing to achieve the ultimate recognition, the Governors’ Award! Bronze award is achieved when children have read at least 50 times at home, Silver award is achieved when children have read at least 100 times at home, Gold award is achieved when children have read at least 200 times at home and the Governor’s award is achieved when children read 250+ at home. 
  • Our school target is for children to read at least three times a week. If this is done, children receive dojo points. 
  •  Parents and teachers communicate regularly in reading diaries. These reading diaries have been especially designed for our school and provide ways in which parents can support reading. 
    All pupils regularly take home a RWI phonics book that is matched to their ability and a book for pleasure. When children move off the RWI programme, they are assessed using the benchmarking kit on a colour banded system. 

10 Tips on Hearing Your Child Read


Reading for Pleasure

Research shows that reading for pleasure has a positive impact on children’s attainment in reading assessments. Children who read for pleasure have enhanced levels of text comprehension, an increased knowledge of grammar and show improvement in their writing. They also have more positive attitudes towards reading than peers. The advantages of reading for pleasure go beyond academic achievement:


‘Other benefits include an increased breadth of vocabulary, pleasure in reading in later life, a better understanding of other cultures, better general knowledge and even ‘a greater insight into human nature’.

Reading for Pleasure: A research overview, National Literacy Trust, 2006


At Flanderwell Primary School we promote reading for pleasure. We do this in the following ways:

  • Every teacher is an advocate for reading and often recommend their own favourite books to children.
  • Reading and books are at the centre of the curriculum.
  • Every half term, each class studies at least one book as part of their English Lessons. This is taken from CLPE, so is an age appropriate text that is rich in vocabulary and content.
  • We plan time in for all children to read independently, read aloud and be read to during the school day.
  • We arrange visits to the local library, where the children have the opportunity to become members.
  • We arrange visits from authors and poets.
  • We celebrate World Book Day every year with new exciting themes each year.
  • We pair children up with ‘buddies’ in different classes, which gives them the opportunity to read with other children and share their love of reading.
  • Class teachers read a ‘core text’ to their children daily. This gives children the opportunity to listen to new vocabulary and get lost in stories.   


Link  to National Curriculum: