
At Flanderwell, our children will experience a range of high quality Physical Education and physical activity that we hope will inspire and excite them throughout their primary education and their journey through life. We aim to shape our children into healthy, social and active young people through PE sessions, after school clubs and structured ‘active’ lunchtimes.


Our Curriculum

We follow imoves, which sets out the aims and programmes of study for PE, ensuring that our curriculum coverage is consistent across year groups and key stages, whilst also ensuring that disciplinary knowledge is built upon each year. The purpose of this, is to ensure that all teachers are able to support pupils in developing their own knowledge and understanding about PE, resulting in them being able to make appropriate links to learning within the community and throughout their lives.

Half way down the page here you can see the programme of study for each year group during the academic year 2022-2023.

The schemes/programmes we follow within our school, are in line with the National Curriculum across all subjects. Please see the link below.




Our aims are to ensure that all pupils:

  • Can participate competently in a broad range of physical activities.
  • Are physically active for substantial periods of time.
  • Can engage in competitive sports and activities.
  • Are able to lead healthy and active lifestyles.



In order to achieve the above aims, children will be taught a range of disciplinary knowledge: 

  • To develop flexibility, strength, control and balance.
  • To perform dances using a range of movements.
  • To master movements including, running, jumping, throwing and catching. 
  • To play competitive games and apply basic understanding of attacking and defending. 
  • To participate in outdoor adventurous activities, whilst working as a team. 
  • To compare performances and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best. 
  • To swim at least 25m, confidently and competently.
  • To use a range of swimming strokes effectively. 
  • To perform safe self-rescue in water. 

Examples of Our PE Curriculum Documentation








Sporting Partnerships

We value the qualities others can bring to Physical Education within our school, therefore; we have strong partnerships with outside agencies and believe this creates further sporting opportunities for our children. Rotherham United Community Sports Trust are present during lunchtimes and encourage the children to be active through structured games and challenges. The coaches remain with us for the afternoon sessions and deliver PE to our Key Stage 2 pupils, following our imoves programme, to ensure continuity. RUCST also run a variety of after school clubs for our Key Stage 2 children, offering a range of sports.  

Keeping Fit at Home

Healthy minds and lifestyles of the children are of extreme importance to us as a school. It is advised that primary aged children participate in physical activity for at least 60 minutes a day. Below are a range of websites and activities which provide ideas and challenges for children in order for them to stay active both indoors and outdoors when they are at home. 




