Our Personal Development Curriculum

Personal Development Curriculum

Flanderwell Primary School is a happy school with children at the heart of everything we do. Our motto, ‘every child, every minute, every hope’, reflects this emphasis on ensuring that each child in our care grows, flourishes and is prepared for life in the modern world.

Our Personal Development Curriculum Intent

At Flanderwell Primary School, the curriculum supports and develops the pupils’ ambitions AND aspirations and their understanding of the community and the wider world in which they live. Through our curriculum we aim to provide opportunities for children to develop as independent, confident, successful and life-long learners, with high aspirations and the learning agility to make a positive contribution to their community and the wider society now and in the future. Academic performance and the development of self (spirituality, social, moral, physical and cultural development and mental wellbeing) are given equal importance. Our curriculum is designed with the key aim of developing the ‘whole child’ and thus supporting all children to reach their potential. 

Me, my community and the wider world

Equality is central to our curriculum and this is reflected in our core values of respect, aspiration, inclusion, kindness and compassion. All children will learn to love and recognise the goodness in everyone, make a positive contribution and develop their own spiritual understanding. All children will be supported to take responsibility for their actions and show respect and tolerance for each other and the wider community whilst celebrating and promoting diversity.

The children’s sense of responsibility as current and future citizens is at the heart of all our teaching and learning. Our curriculum prepares all children to gain a greater understanding of issues at a local, national and global scale. Our curriculum supports the children to create links between our school, community and the world around us.

 Children are given opportunities to take part in social action and engage in courageous advocacy. They will have the opportunity to explore and lead different aspects of the school and develop their own and others social, moral, spiritual and cultural understanding.

In addition to this, our curriculum ensures that children have a good understanding of how to keep themselves safe. An understanding of how to stay safe in relationships, the community and online are key elements to prepare the children for their future. The curriculum promotes good emotional wellbeing, self-esteem and resilience. It develops pupils’ understanding of how to look after their physical and mental health and supports children to regulate their emotions. Parents/carers and the local community are recognised as key partners in the children’s learning, within the curriculum and the wider school experience.

Our curriculum enables our children to ‘be the best they can be’ through fostering a strong sense of respect for themselves and others and everything they do. We ensure all children feel safe to be courageous to develop themselves as learners and reach their potential through delivering a culture of kindness, compassion and inclusion.

How the children are supported to make progress towards reaching this intent

Equality statement/policy

Equality Statement

Rights Respecting School

British Values

Online Safety Policy

Online safety Curriculum

Behaviour policy- relational culture

House Captains

Anti-bullying Council

Ambition and Aspiration

The curriculum is increasingly ambitious, challenging all children to aspire to be the ‘best they can be’. We intend to provide all children with a rich range of experiences which enables them to develop and apply their talents in order to support them to flourish and thrive when they leave Flanderwell on their next step in their education. To facilitate this, all children learn in a highly inclusive environment which engages them to achieve great outcomes and reach their potential.  The curriculum is adapted, designed and developed to ensure all pupils, regardless of their starting points, are supported to expand their knowledge and understanding. Through receiving a fun, purposeful, balanced curriculum which inspires and promotes independence, and fosters individuality by encouraging all talents and abilities, all children will develop skills within and beyond the curriculum. They will have the knowledge, self-confidence and freedom to become life-long learners with an inquisitive, 'have-a go' mentality.

The building blocks of our curriculum ensure that children are well equipped to prepare them for life in modern Britain, overcoming the contextual barriers to social mobility. This happens through ensuring all children are provided with the opportunities to develop their communication and language skills and apply these to a variety of situations. Through the embodiment of our core values, the curriculum motivates and enables children to develop as curious and independent learners.

How the children are supported to make progress towards reaching this intent

Pupil Leadership Team

Music development plan

Sports Premium

Wider curriculum offer and experiences

School Calendar