Pastoral Care
How we can help every child to have a good day
At Flanderwell Primary School, we aim to provide an environment where ‘every child’ grows, thrives, feels safe, is happy and confident.
Fundamental to realising this vision is the pastoral care we provide for our children. Pastoral care is a key part of the Flanderwell ethos, and is focused on the well-being of students. Through the care we provide we strive to create a supportive environment, ensuring that children's physical, emotional, social, and mental health needs are met.
Everyone at Flanderwell takes an active role in providing the children with the pastoral care they need and we are supported by Mrs Sheriff (our pastoral lead) and Mrs McGreggor (our ELSA).
The cornerstone of our approach to the pastoral care we provide is in developing caring, nurturing relationships. We believe that by delivering a relational approach to all interactions, we will best meet the children's pastoral needs.
Please read below for the tiered approach we take to supporting the children. This approach is underpinned by our Behaviour Policy.
Our Whole School Approach to Pastoral Care
Daily meet and greet
Consistent routines carried out throughout the day across school
Emotionally consistent available adults
Daily assemblies to develop a sense of belonging
Children are recognised with their name written on recognition boards in school for being the best version of themselves they can
Learning is celebrated through special mentions assemblies
Achievements outside of school are celebrated in celebration assemblies
Children are given Dojo points
Children are awarded star of the day
House Captains choose children who have reflected our values each week
Weekly PSHE lessons delivered focusing on healthy relationships and celebrating difference
Weekly RE lessons to learn about the beliefs and views of others and compare them to our own
Relationships, health and sex education curriculum is delivered across school
Online Safety curriculum taught each half term
Across school, we learn about 'Children's Rights' and have a weekly 'Rights respecting school' assembly which focuses on justice and equality for all
Our Small Group Approach to Pastoral Care
Meet and greet sessions at the start of the day and reflection time at the end of the day.
Lunch club
Lego therapy
Group ELSA sessions
Small group sessions with RUCT
Friendship groups
Online Safety interventions
Our Individual Approach to Pastoral Care
Individual ELSA sessions
Bespoke support plans
Bespoke assessment of need
Strategies to regulate emotions
Referral to outside agencies