
Welcome to Year 3 Rockstars!

Meet the team:
Miss Elliott, Mrs Shaw and Miss Richardson


 Our school day:

Arrive at School:


Morning work/reading




Lesson 1: Phonics and Reading/handwriting


Lesson 2: Writing

9.40am-10.30 am


10.30 -10.45am



Lesson 3: Maths


Lesson 4: Maths fluency practice


RWI Spellings


Lunch time


Afternoon lessons


Whole School Story time


End of day



PE will be on Thursday and Friday.

On PE Day, please can children bring their PE kit (labelled) in a separate bag, so they can change into their kit for each session. 

Full PE kit must be worn and that includes a t-shirt, jumper, shorts, leggings or jogging bottoms and a sensible pair of trainers.

Children with their ears pierced must remove their earrings for each P.E session themselves or alternatively they will need at have plasters/tape in their P.E bags to protect their ears during physical activity. Long hair must be tied back.   


Homework will be a maths activity based on what we have learnt in class that week.  There will also be a grammar/punctuation activity based on our weekly focus.  Homework is sent out on a Friday and must be returned by the following Wednesday.

Children are expected to read at least three times at home with an adult. Each read should be logged in the reading diary, and brought in to school every day so that their reads can be counted. Awards are given for 50, 100, 200, 250 reads.

Spellings will be posted on Dojo weekly and also stuck into the children's reading diaries. Please help your child to learn these spellings and discuss the different rules with them at home. This can be done if the words are spotted in their reading book or if they use one of the spelling rules in a conversation etc.

Times Tables

By the end of Y3 children are expected to know their 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 times tables.

In year 3 we introduce the multiplication tables of 3, 4 and 8. This is built upon taught tables in Key Stage 1 of 2, 5 and 10.

Times tables will be tested weekly.