(EYFS) Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum
Welcome to Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) at Flanderwell Primary School!
Allow me to introduce myself- I am Mrs Otter, Foundation Stage Leader and I am immensely proud of our school’s EYFS! We pride ourselves in delivering an outstanding education for all our pupils. Our learning environments are highly stimulating and inviting, and act as a catalyst for children to thrive in their development and learning. Via the highly engaging and broad curriculum we deliver the team’s passion and dedication and our high standard of expectation; all our learners succeed and achieve their full potential. As a result, Flanderwell’s EYFS provision has seen outstanding achievements in progress and attainment.
Please visit our Foundation Stage teaching pages to find out more about what is happening in each class. These can be found under the ‘classes’ section of our website.
Development Matters – The EYFS Curriculum
Below is the EYFS curriculum as delivered in school. However, if you would like to know more about how to help your child achieve their learning milestones at home, please download and use the following documentation
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) sets standards for the learning, development and care of children from birth to 5 years old. All schools and Ofsted-registered early years providers must follow the EYFS, including childminders, preschools, nurseries and school reception classes.
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework supports an integrated approach to early learning and care. It gives all professionals a set of common principles and commitments to deliver quality early education and childcare experiences to all children.
As well as being the core document for all professionals working in the foundation years, the EYFS framework gives mums and dads confidence that regardless of where they choose for their child’s early education, they can be assured that the same statutory commitments and principles will underpin their child’s learning and development experience.
The Early Years is based upon four themes:
· A Unique Child
· Positive Relationships
· Enabling Environments
· Learning and Development
Threaded through all of the EYFS are the…
The Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning
In planning and guiding what children learn, practitioners must reflect upon the different rates at which the children are developing and adjust their practice appropriately.
The three characteristics of effective teaching and learning are:
· Playing and Exploring – Children investigate and experience things and “have a go”
· Active Learning – children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties and enjoy achievements
· Creative Thinking and Thinking Critically – Children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas and develop strategies for doing things
Learning and Development
There are three Prime areas of learning
· Communication and Language
· Physical Development
· Personal, Social and Emotional development
There are four specific areas of learning
· Literacy
· Maths
· Understanding the World
· Expressive Arts and Design
Each of these areas are subdivided and have their own Early Learning Goals against which children are assessed during the summer term of the FS2 year. Please see our assessment end points for each term while the children attend our Foundation Stage.
At Flanderwell, we place a great emphasis on encouraging our children to be independent learners right from the very beginning. Our creative and exciting curriculum is delivered through half termly topic-based learning (see class pages for more details); however, as we endeavour to engage and motivate each and every individual child our topics are constantly adapted to ensure that we plan for and meet the needs and interests of all of our children.
In our Foundation Stage 1 and 2 classes, children will experience a combination of whole class teaching sessions, small group adult-led learning and well-planned, purposeful, child-initiated activities. Children move freely between the indoor and outdoor areas and are continually supported and challenged in their learning by all of our staff in the Foundation Stage Team.
As the children progress through their FS2 year, the amount of structure during the sessions is gradually increased to ensure that all of our children are confident, independent learners, ready to enter their next phase of education in Year 1! For example, a key priority throughout school is reading…The children in FS1 explore sounds in the environment and begin to make links to sounds in speech and then to and print. In FS2, our children access the structured Read Write Inc programme of phonics, building upon their recognition of letters and sounds, learning how to blend, segment and to read.
Another key focus for us is to support the children to develop their mathematical knowledge and fluency: The children in FS1 explore shapes and numbers in the environment – they may find, explore and begin to group and count pebbles, feathers, or leaves in the provision. In FS2 the children are encouraged to take this a step further, perhaps using a tens frame to organise, subitise and count more formally.
High value is placed upon building secure relationships with all pupils and their families and our staff are committed to ensuring this begins right from the start. Communication between home and school is paramount and we will endeavour to ensure that you are kept up to date and informed of your child’s progress and the latest news and events.
Please also see our EYFS Policy for more detail.