Spelling in our school

To ensure that our children get a strong, rich diet of spelling rules and common exception words from the National Curriculum, we use the Read, Write, Inc Spelling programme from Years 2-6.

As part of the Read, Write, Inc. Spelling programme, children have spelling logbooks, which they update weekly and bring home. Details of our weekly spelling rule is located in the logbook and children will add words they need to practise. Please practise these spellings/ this spelling rule with your child, as they will be tested on them throughout the school year. 

Please ensure logbooks are brought back to school daily, so they are available to be updated on the appropriate day.

In addition to the RWI spelling, children will have their own individual spellings that are chosen by the class teacher from their assessments. As a school, we are choosing words that children are unable to spell from the 100 and 200 high frequency words, as well as words from the National Curriculum for their year group. We have already noticed that this has had an impact on writing. From Years 2- 6, these spellings are on ‘Spelling Zappers’ and in Year 1, spelling bookmarks are used. Children are given the opportunity to practise these during the school week. It is important that children understand the meaning of the words, as well as be able to apply them in a sentence. You are welcome to write these spellings down and practise them at home, if you wish to.

Please see the 100 and 200 high frequency words.

Spelling activities that you could try at home

If you have any questions about spelling, please speak to your child’s class teacher, who will be happy to help.

Below is a list of the common exception words from the National Curriculum for years 1-6 that your child needs to know how to spell by the end of the year. Please encourage your child to learn the spelling, the meaning of the word and practise writing the spelling in a sentence. Foundation children should practise the first 100 words above. Use some of the spelling activities above to make spelling more fun at home!