Key Stage 1

Welcome to Key Stage One.

Deputy Headteacher for KS1- Mrs H. Wain

KS1 Leader- Mrs N. Brock

Within Key Stage One we have four classes that cater for children aged five to seven.

The staff in each class are as follows:

Year 1C- Class Teacher- Mrs Coleman; Teaching Assistants- Mrs Cooke

Year 1K- Class Teacher- Mrs Kendrick; Teaching Assistants- Mrs Cartwright & Miss Skelton

Year 2B- Class Teacher- Mrs Brock; Teaching Assistants – Mrs Burton & Miss Richardson 

Year 2W- Class Teacher- Mrs Wain. Teaching Assistant- Miss Rogers & Mrs Veal


In Year 1 and Year 2 our curriculum is planned from the National Curriculum.

In English a phonic approach to reading and writing is developed through the Read Write Inc programme.  In addition, there is focused teaching of spelling patterns and rules, as well as spelling common exception words.  Pathways to Writing is used to teach a range of genres, using lively texts as a hook to develop our young authors’ acquisition of vocabulary, grammar and composition.

The Whiterose scheme forms the core of our Maths teaching.  This scheme ensures full coverage across all areas of maths by teaching discrete units through a mastery approach, in which small steps enables all pupils to achieve. Problem solving and reasoning, as well as daily, spaced retrieval practice form an integral part of our maths curriculum.  Throughout Key Stage 1 our pupils will further develop their fluency in maths as we launch ‘Mastering Number’.

Each term we plan an exciting curriculum with an overarching theme.  Through discrete teaching of Science and all foundation subjects, we ensure children develop the skills, knowledge and specific vocabulary essential for progressive learning within each subject. We continue to inspire our children throughout the year by planning visits or visitors to ensure they have first-hand experiences to enrich their learning.

 Year 2 visit to English Institute of Sport 


Year 2 visit to Conisbrough Castle


Year 1 visit to the National Coal Mining Museum


Year 1 visit to Eureka


Some examples of our curriculum themes are; Bright Lights, Big City, Magnificent Monarchs, Paws, Claws and Whiskers, Around the World and Tunnels, Turrets and Towers.

Celebrating our learning journey through display