F2N Autumn 2

         Festivals Of Light


During this half term out class project will be 'Festivals of light'. Here we will focus on learning facts and information about Bonfire Night, Christmas and the Muslim festival of Eid. Opportunities here allow children to value and appreciate other cultural beliefs and traditions as well as their own.IMG_2370

We will launch this half terms class topic with our Multiculural Curriculum morning. Thank you last year for all who attented, the children loved it!

Bonfire Night – Children learn an age appropriate story of the Bonfire Plot, create firework artwork using paint flicking techniques and write descriptive sentences/phrases using their senses to describe all aspects of Bonfire Night. The artwork and descriptive writing is then combined to create highly effective Bonfire Night Poetry – this you are able to see on display in our classroom. Come take a look we are very proud! IMG_2330

IMG_2369Eid – Mid way through our half term we will be focussing our learning on Eid. Children will learn the traditions behind the festival and the origins of the celebration. In addition, children will explore artefacts relating to the Islamic faith and learn many facts surrounding them. Children will produce a 'Eid' booklet as a record of all they have learned.  IMG_2329

As part of our learning on Eid children will also be making prayer mats, Eid cards, Mehndi patterns and take part in an 'Eid Day' celebration.  

The last part of the term will focus on the Christian celebration of Christmas where we will be learning all about the customs and traditions associated with the festival and comparing this to our learning on Eid. Similarly, children will understand why Christians celebrate Christmas, focussing on the Nativity story. We will be making Nativity booklets, including chalk/charcole Nativity sillouettes. Don't forget to come and see us perform the Nativity story in our school play 1.45 8th of December…photo's to follow!

Update! Please check out some of the photo's we have taken during our learning on Eid last year!…want to see more? Ask Mrs Noon! Don't forget, if you want to see more of the work your child has produced on the topic come and ask to see their learning profile. In addition, come and have a look at our spectacular Eid display that will be up in the classroom!IMG_2364IMG_2368IMG_2366